The Weapon of Choice

The Weapon of Choice 1611KJV

When King James decided to give the world HIS English translation of the Bible (there were already English Bibles in use), he made sure that certain “ecclesiastical” words (like the word “church”) were inserted into the translation.  It was also important for the scribes to make changes in the text to “bypass” certain foundational questions and prevent misuse by Christians who espoused different “views” or “beliefs.”  So in effect, this translation really never had a chance of being “pure” because the translators had an “agenda” in mind (Ehrman, 1993).  This is why the 1611 version was revised a couple of more times in 1629 and 1638.  Subsequent revisions were made in order to combat the “Christological” controversies that were present during that time and lean the translation toward the beliefs and doctrines of the Catholic Church  (Ehrman, 1993).

Once the translation was complete, King James then made it the AUTHORIZED version.  Of course, this meant that the other Bibles in existence would be “unauthorized” and fall into disuse.  This was a brilliant move for King James because now the “CHURCH” had a weapon that it could wield for advantage and power.

  • Now it could claim the CHURCH gave the Bible to the people and that IT was the “guardian” of it.
  • Now the CHURCH could claim to be the “mediator” between God and man and make everyone submit to ITS authority.
  • Now the CHURCH was the authority on all matters of faith and practice.
  • Now the CHURCH was the authority on interpreting scripture.
  • Now the CHURCH was the authority on God’s will for every believer.
  • Now the CHURCH had the authority to punish those who disagreed with its doctrines.
  • Now the CHURCH had the power to control or sway political leaders.
  • Now the CHURCH had total control over the masses to perform ITS will.
  • Now ALL lived in FEAR of the Church of Rome because they were being forced into bondage to this religious institution.
  • Now the CHURCH had the power to CONFISCATE WEALTH!

(McClaskey, Religion’s Cell,  2012)

Bear in mind that we are talking about the PAGAN Church of Rome!  Every change that the scribes made in this translation was pre-meditated to suit the best interest of the Church and its clergy.  The by-product of all these changes by King James was that it enabled the Roman Catholic Church to put itself in authority over God’s “assembly”.  It enabled the Roman Catholic Church to put itself in the same spiritual authority as Christ!  Instead of people relying on God to lead them, they now were relying on the “church,” a manmade institution.

Now that the Church of Rome had this weapon to instill fear, the corruption that ensued reached monumental proportions.  Many were beginning to lose faith in the religion of Rome.  However, the power and control of the Church was near-impossible to fight against.  The Church of Rome then began its assault on the true believers of its day, and not just them, but also the Jews and other pagans who espoused different beliefs than the Church of Rome!  This is how the Reformation began.  Heretic and Witch were common labels the church placed on those who disagreed.  Placing these labels gave the Church the authority to confiscate property and money.  This the Church did in an unprecedented way.  The Church of Rome knew that “The Christian would rather give up his fortune than his creed, and he was deprived of his fortune in order to punish him for retaining his faith. It was a new way of acquiring wealth(Muston, 1875 p. 56).  As a result of the Reformation, over 70 million people lost their lives!

A Mirror Image

This religious church system, complete with hierarchy, has been duplicated in its entirety throughout the centuries by subsequent religious sects.  Sadly, though the beliefs and doctrines vary amongst all denominations, the hierarchy and control tactics have not changed!  The corruption within individual churches has not changed!  The institution of rules to govern their congregants is no different than what the Church of Rome did!  Many church institutions have:

  • A hierarchy of clergy within their respective churches.
  • Clergy that command homage, reverence, special privilege and status.
  • A set of doctrines and rules that congregants must adhere to for fear of punishment from God and man.
  • Strict control over their congregations by keeping independent reasoning out of their midst.
  • Control in the personal lives of their congregants.

Many of today’s churches mirror the “system” of the Church of Rome in that:

  • Now the CLERGY can claim that they are the “guardian” of God’s Word.
  • Now the CLERGY can claim to be the “mediator” between God and man and make everyone submit to their authority.
  • Now the CLERGY are the final “authority” on all matters of faith and practice for the believer.
  • Now the CLERGY are the “authority” on interpreting scripture.
  • Now the CLERGY are the “authority” on God’s will for every believer.
  • Now the CLERGY has the “authority” to punish those who disagree with its doctrines.
  • Now the CLERGY has the power to control or sway political leaders.
  • Now the CLERGY has total control over its congregants to perform THEIR will.
  • Now ALL live in FEAR of the CLERGY because they are being forced into bondage to the Church Institution.

There is only one tactic that has not carried through from the Church of Rome — the power to confiscate wealth!  Therefore, churches of today have to be creative in the ways in which they bring in money.  Does anyone have an idea of the number one way in which clergy can create wealth for themselves?  You guessed it: through TITHING!  And yet, it doesn’t end there!  The church has become a marketplace where “merchandising” has also become a medium for generating wealth.

Is the picture becoming clear?  Does the reader now understand that the tithe is a weapon used to gain wealth?  And yet, there is one more picture that I need to paint for the reader.  This picture is such that it unmasks the cloak of righteousness and reveals the corruption underneath.  Until this is done, one cannot truly understand how far-reaching and INFLUENTIAL the religious system really is.

— Excerpt from my book, The TRUTH About Tithing, Copyright 2012


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